Tuesday, May 29, 2012

This is too sick to not share. 

Anyway, training is on this Friday, 1st June 2012. 
Venue is MPF, 1700-2130. 

Those who got exams until 6, you're excused to coming down later. 

Bring your discs, water bottles and darks + whites. 

13-15th June, camp dates are confirmed. 
It will be a day camp, and there will not be any stay overs. 
But we might have plans for the night and stuff like that, so stay tuned. 
The venue will be confirmed when the date draws near. 
So please please please keep those dates free! 

And I know most of you guys don't like to check the blog, or do not reply to blog posts. 
But please sign up on the spreadsheet below this post, to facilitate our planning smoother. 

PS; Darren Monster Chua, you have been missing 3 weeks of training due to 'back pain', and studying for exams. I expect at least a GPA of 3.5, and I expect to see you down this Friday, because Diablo 3 definitely can wait. 
And for the rest of the year 2s, who have not been attending training, I expect to see you down as well. 

Thanks and good luck for your MST,

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